Paying It Forward

Can we just say that the BEST thing about #melrosekind is the stories we get to hear about the kindness that abounds. So grateful to hear tales of every day goodness.

Jennifer tells us:
“It happened a year ago. My husband and I were eating dinner at Giacomo’s and when we asked for the check, the waiter told us our bill was taken care of. We both scanned the room for relatives or friends, confused by why anyone would pay for our meal. The waiter pointed to a woman at the bar and told us that she comes in occasionally and selects patrons to surprise with a free dinner.

When we thanked our mystery patron for the meal, she told us that her mom taught her this everyday kindness, and she continues it as a tribute to her mother.

Well now, it’s kind of our thing, too. At least once each month, we buy someone’s meal. It is so fun selecting who we can surprise. We always sneak out before the person notices us.

Recently, we were at Mystic Station in Malden. There was a young girl at the bar and we bought her meal. When we left the restaurant, a woman approached us and asked for money for food. My husband told her we’d take her wherever she’d like to get a meal. Instead of a restaurant, she asked us to accompany her to a grocery store. She wanted to buy a pound of turkey and a loaf of bread, so she could make sandwiches for friends down on their luck. We loved hearing how she planned to pay it forward!”